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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural ears
    [count] :the part of the body that you hear with
    [singular] an ability to understand and appreciate something heard
    b - used to describe the way something sounds to you
    [count] :attention that is shown or given by listening to what someone says
    To lend an ear or, in literary language, to lend someone your ears is to listen to what someone has to say.
    FriendsRomanscountrymenlend me your earsShakespeareJulius Caesar (1599) - - compare 2ear
    all ears
    informal - used to say that someone is listening very closely
    a word in someone's ear
    xem word
    bend someone's ear
    xem bend
    box someone's ears
    xem box
    can't believe your ears
    cock an/your ear
    xem cock
    ears are burning
    If your ears are burning or you feel your ears burning, you have the feeling that other people are talking about you.
    ears pop
    xem pop
    fall on deaf ears
    to fail to be heard :to be ignored
    grin/smile from ear to ear
    to smile widely :to have a big smile on your face
    He was grinning from ear to ear.
    have someone's ear
    If you have someone's ear you can talk and give advice to that person because you are trusted.
    in one ear and out the other
    through someone's mind without being remembered or noticed
    out on your ear
    informal :forced out :thrown out
    If you're late to work againyou'll be out on your ear! [=you'll be fired]
    play by ear
    To play a song or a piece of music by ear is to play it after hearing it without looking at written music.
    To play it by ear is to do something without special preparation.
    set (something) on its ear
    informal :to cause something to be in a state of great excitement or shock
    talk someone's ear off
    xem talk
    turn a deaf ear
    to refuse to listen to what someone says
    up to your ears
    deeply involved in something
    We're up to our ears in work. [=we are very busy]
    wet behind the ears
    xem wet
    plural ears
    [count] :the part of a corn plant on which the seeds grow
    an ear of corn - compare 1ear

    * Các từ tương tự:
    ear canal, ear candy, earache, eardrum, earful, earl, earliest, earlobe, early