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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural ropes
    a strong, thick string that is made by twisting many thin strings or fibers together [count]
    Tie the end of the rope to the post.
    She made a knot in the rope. [noncount]
    a six-foot length of rope
    The hostages were tied up with rope. - see also jump rope, skipping rope, tightropetowrope
    [count] :a string on which a number of similar things are held together
    a rope of pearls
    the ropes :the special way things are done at a particular place or in a particular activity
    the ropes :a fence made of rope that encloses a boxing or wrestling ring
    jump/skip rope
    US :to jump over a rope that is being swung near the ground for exercise or as a game
    He jumps rope to warm up before the game.
    money for old rope
    xem money
    on the ropes
    informal :in a very bad position or situation :very close to failure or defeat
    the end of your rope
    xem end
    ropes; roped; roping
    [+ obj] always followed by an adverb or preposition :to bind, fasten, or tie (something or someone) with a rope
    chiefly US :to catch (an animal) by throwing a circle of rope around it :lasso
    He tried to rope the calf.
    informal :to use clever or tricky methods to get (someone) to do something - + in or into
    rope off
    [phrasal verb]
    rope off (something) or rope (something) off :to separate (an area) from another area with rope

    * Các từ tương tự:
    rope ladder