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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural pens
    a writing instrument that uses ink [count]
    She signed her name with a pen. [noncount]
    She signed her name in pen. - compare pencil - compare 3pen, 5pen
    put/set pen to paper
    to write or begin to write something
    pens; penned; penning
    [+ obj] :to write (something)
    pen a letter
    plural pens
    [count] :a small enclosed area for farm animals
    a sheep pen - compare 1pen 5pen
    pens; penned; penning
    [+ obj] :to put or keep (a person or animal) in an enclosed area - usually used as (be) penned
    cattle penned in the barn - compare 2pen
    pen in/up
    [phrasal verb]
    pen (someone or something) in/up :to put or keep (a person or animal) in an enclosed area :to prevent (someone or something) from moving beyond a particular area - usually used as (be) penned in/up
    compare 1pen 3pen
    the pen
    US informal :prison

    * Các từ tương tự:
    pen friend, pen name, pen pal, pen pusher, penal, penal code, penalize, penalty, penalty box