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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural goals
    [count] something that you are trying to do or achieve
    We all share/have a common goal.
    an area or object into which a ball or puck must be hit, kicked, etc., to score points in various games (such as soccer and hockey)
    If you are the player who guards the goal in a sport like hockey or soccer, your position is in goal.
    In U.S. English, a shot or kick that is on goal is directed at the goal.
    They had a dozen shots on goal in the second period.
    the act of hitting, kicking, etc., a ball or puck into a goal or the score that results from doing this
    The team was ahead by a goal [=was ahead by onewhen the third period started. - see also field goal

    * Các từ tương tự:
    goal line, goal mouth, goalie, goalkeeper, goalpost, goaltender