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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • adjective
    not used before a noun US
    older in age - usually + to
    She is five years senior to me. = She is senior to me by five years. [=she is five years older than I am]
    b - used chiefly in its abbreviated form Sr. to identify a father who has the same name as his son.
    higher in standing or rank than another person in the same position
    She is a senior aide to the president.
    a senior editor for the magazine
    He is senior to me. - compare junior
    always used before a noun
    of, relating to, or designed for older people
    a senior center
    senior housing
    designed for or done by adults or people over a certain age
    senior golf
    plural -niors
    [count] a person who is older than another person
    She is five years my senior. = She is my senior by five years. [=she is five years older than I am] - compare junior
    a person who is of a higher rank than another person
    As his senior, she commanded quite a bit of respect.
    She was his senior in rank.
    US :a student in the final year of high school or college
    chiefly US :senior citizen

    * Các từ tương tự:
    senior citizen, senior high school, seniority