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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • verb
    -freshes; -freshed; -freshing
    [+ obj] to make (someone) have more energy and feel less tired or less hot
    A cold shower should refresh you. [=make you feel better]
    to give someone more of (a drink) :to fill (someone's glass, cup, etc.) again
    Can I refresh your drink? [=would you like me to fill your glass again?]
    computers :to put (something, such as a page on the Internet) into a computer's memory again in order to show any new information :to cause an updated version of (something, such as an Internet page) to appear on a computer screen
    refresh someone's memory
    to remind someone about something :to help someone to remember something
    I'm not sure of the addressCan you refresh my memory? [=can you remind me?]

    * Các từ tương tự:
    refresher, refresher course, refreshing, refreshment