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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • adjective
    always used before a noun
    born in a particular place
    I'm a native New Yorker. [=I was born in New York]
    people who are native to France
    b - used to refer to the place where a person was born and raised
    He's a hero in his native country.
    After 30 yearsI am finally returning to my native land.
    a always used before a noun :belonging to a person since birth or childhood
    She speaks Englishbut it's not her native [=firstlanguage/tongue. - see also native speaker
    existing naturally as an ability, quality, etc., that someone has
    She has a native ability to learn quickly.
    his native wit
    produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region
    native [=indigenousbirds and animals
    The island is home to several native species of trees. - often + to
    birds that are native to the continent
    b - used to refer to the place or type of place where a plant or animal normally or naturally lives
    always used before a noun :of or relating to a group of people who were living in an area (such as North America or Africa) when a new group of usually European people arrived
    native societies
    native art/traditions
    go native
    to start to behave or live like the local people
    plural -tives
    [count] a person who was born or raised in a particular place
    She's a native of France who moved to the United States when she was 15.
    I'm a California native.
    He wishes he could speak Spanish like a native.
    a person from a group of people who were living in an area (such as South America or Africa) when Europeans first arrived
    This sense of native was commonly used in the past but is now often considered offensive.
    a kind of plant or animal that originally grew or lived in a particular place
    The plant is a native of Central and South America.

    * Các từ tương tự:
    Native American, native speaker