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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural boos
    [count] :a sound that people make to show they do not like or approve of someone or something
    [noncount] informal :any sound at all - usually used in negative statements
    He never said boo [=he never said anything], so I didn't even know he was there.
    A person who (US) wouldn't say boo or (Brit) wouldn't say boo to a goose is very quiet and shy.
    used to show dislike or disapproval of someone or something
    Boo! Get off the stage.
    When people say Boo! with this meaning, they say it very slowly.
    used when a person frightens someone
    When people say Boo! with this meaning, they say it very quickly.
    boos; booed; booing
    to show dislike or disapproval of someone or something by shouting Boo slowly [no obj]

    * Các từ tương tự:
    boob, boob tube, boo-boo, booby, booby hatch, booby prize, booby trap, booger, boogeyman