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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural hairs
    [count] :a thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal
    He plucked a hair from his arm.
    [noncount] :a covering or growth of hairs
    The hair on her arms is blond.
    He has a lot of hair on his chest.
    [noncount] :the covering of hairs on a person's head
    He got his hair cut last week.
    Your hair looks nice.
    He has a thick/full head of hair.
    a balding man who is losing his hair
    a lock/strand of hair
    a hair dryer
    I'm having a bad hair day. [=my hair does not look nice today]
    [singular] informal :a very small distance or amount
    He won the race by a hair.
    He was a hair off on the count.
    hair of the dog (that bit you)
    informal :an alcoholic drink that is taken by someone to feel better after having drunk too much at an earlier time
    hide or hair, hide nor hair
    xem hide
    in your hair
    Someone who is in your hair is bothering or annoying you.
    keep your hair on
    Brit informal - used to tell someone not to become too excited or upset;
    let your hair down
    informal :to relax and enjoy yourself
    make your hair curl
    If something makes your hair curl, it frightens, shocks, or surprises you.
    make your hair stand on end
    If something makes your hair stand on end, it frightens you.
    not have a hair out of place
    informal :to have a very neat appearance
    a politician who never has a hair out of place
    not turn a hair
    informal :to remain calm even though something frightening or shocking has happened
    out of your hair
    Someone who is out of your hair is no longer bothering or annoying you.
    pull your hair out
    or tear your hair out
    informal :to be very worried or upset about something
    split hairs
    to argue about small details or differences that are not important

    * Các từ tương tự:
    hair slide, hair trigger, hairbrush, haircut, hairdo, hairdresser, hairgrip, hairline, hairnet