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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • adverb
    chiefly US /ˈʌpwɚd/ or chiefly Brit upwards /ˈʌpwɚdz/
    from a lower place or level to a higher place or level
    The road gradually rose upward.
    toward the ceiling, sky, etc.
    The hawk spiraled upward.
    He pointed upward.
    She directed my gaze upward.
    toward a higher or better condition or position
    to a larger amount :to a higher number
    Prices shot upward.
    onward and upward
    xem onward
    upwards of
    also US upward of
    more than (an amount or number)
    He won upwards of $2,000.
    always used before a noun
    moving or going from a lower place or level to a higher place or level
    upward movement/flow
    an upward curve
    in an upward direction
    moving or going toward the ceiling, sky, etc.
    the plant's upward growth
    changing to a larger amount or higher number
    an upward revision of the vote tally

    * Các từ tương tự:
    upwardly mobile