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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural -cates
    [count] a group of people or businesses that work together
    A syndicate owns the company. - often + of
    The company is owned by a syndicate of investors.
    The money for the project was provided by a syndicate of banks.
    a group of people who are involved in organized crime
    a crime syndicate
    a business that sells something (such as a piece of writing, comic strip, or photograph) to several different newspapers or magazines for publication at the same time :a business that syndicates something
    a group of newspapers that are managed by one company
    a newspaper syndicate
    -cates; -cated; -cating
    [+ obj] to sell (something, such as a piece of writing, comic strip, or photograph) to many different newspapers or magazines for publication at the same time
    to sell (a series of television or radio programs) to many different stations at the same time