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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural cores
    [count] the central part of a fruit (such as an apple) that contains the seeds
    an apple core
    see color picture
    the central part of something
    the core of a golf ball
    The pads have a foam core.
    the engine core
    the core of the galaxy
    the urban core [=the central part of a city]
    the most important or basic part of something
    Lack of money is the core of the problem.
    voters who form the core of the party
    The economy is at the very core of this year's election. - see also hard core
    technical :a part that has been removed from a material for scientific study
    took a core sample of rock
    an ice core from the glacier
    technical :the place in a nuclear reactor where the reaction takes place
    the reactor core
    to the core
    in a very complete or extreme way - used for emphasis
    Her family is English to the core.
    always used before a noun
    most important or most basic
    of or relating to the classes that all the students in a school are required to take or the skills that all students are required to learn
    cores; cored; coring
    [+ obj] :to remove a core from (a fruit)
    core an apple