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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • verb
    perks; perked; perking
    compare 2perk
    perk up
    [phrasal verb] informal
    to become more lively or cheerful
    b perk (someone) up or perk up (someone) :to make (someone) more lively or cheerful
    perk (something) up or perk up (something) :to make (something) fresher or more appealing
    chiefly US
    a perk (ears) up or perk up (ears) of an animal :to lift (the ears) in a quick or alert way
    b of ears :to be lifted in a quick and alert way
    perks; perked; perking
    [no obj] chiefly US informal :percolate
    Start the coffee perking. - compare 1perk
    plural perks
    [count] something extra that someone receives in addition to regular pay for doing a job - usually plural
    a good thing that you have or get because of your situation - usually plural

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