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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural -ers
    the state of the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place :the temperature and other outside conditions (such as rain, cloudiness, etc.) at a particular time and place [noncount]
    How's the weather?
    The weather today will be hot and dry.
    a weather report/forecast
    The picnic will be outside, weather permitting. [=if the weather is good enough to allow it] [plural]
    (BritShe likes to ride her bike in all weathers. [=in any kind of weather] - often used figuratively
    [noncount] :bad or stormy weather
    It looks like we're in for some weather tomorrow.
    the weather :a report or forecast about the weather
    keep a weather eye on
    old-fashioned :to watch (someone or something) very carefully
    She kept a weather eye on the stock report.
    make heavy weather of
    xem heavy
    under the weather
    not feeling well :feeling sick
    She's (feelinga little under the weather todayso she won't be joining us.
    -ers; -ered; -ering
    [no obj] :to change in color, condition, etc., because of the effects of the sun, wind, rain, etc., over a long period of time
    [+ obj] :to deal with or experience (something dangerous or unpleasant) without being harmed or damaged too much
    He has weathered the criticism well. - see also weather the storm at 1storm

    * Các từ tương tự:
    weather map, weather station, weather stripping, weather vane, weather-beaten, weatherboard, weatherize, weatherman, weatherperson