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retirement /rɪˈtajɚmənt/  

  • noun
    plural -ments
    [count] :the act of ending your working or professional career :the act of retiring
    She decided to take an early retirement.
    Many fans were surprised by the champion's retirement.
    [noncount] :the state of being retired
    I'm looking forward to retirement.
    He is ready for retirement.
    He came out of retirement to play baseball again.
    the period after you have permanently stopped your job or profession [noncount]
    She has remained very active during retirement. [singular]
    The staff all wished her a long and happy retirement.
    [noncount] US :the age at which a person usually retires
    She reaches retirement [=(more commonly) retirement age May.
    [noncount] US :money that you receive from a savings plan or pension once you retire from a job or profession
    We can't live on his retirement alone.
    always used before a noun
    of, relating to, or designed for people who are retired
    a retirement community [=a place for people who are retired]
    retirement benefits/age

    * Các từ tương tự:
    retirement home, retirement plan