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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural cranks
    [count] a machine part with a handle that can be turned in a circular motion to move something
    To open the car windowturn the crank on the door.
    informal + usually disapproving
    a person who has strange ideas or thinks too much about one thing
    b US :a person who is often angry or easily annoyed :grouch
    a bad-tempered old crank
    cranks; cranked; cranking
    [+ obj] to move (something) by turning a crank - usually + up or down
    Will you crank up/down [=roll up/downthe window?
    informal :to increase (something) especially by a large amount
    usually + up
    Crank up [=turn upthe volume.
    to start or try to start (an engine) by using a crank or some other method to get it moving
    Crank the engine to see if it will start.
    US informal :to move (something) in a circular motion
    crank out
    [phrasal verb]
    crank out (something) or crank (something) out informal :to produce (something) quickly or carelessly
    always used before a noun
    made or sent as a joke or to cause harm
    an anonymous crank call

    * Các từ tương tự:
    crankcase, crankshaft, cranky