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comparative /ˌkəmˈperətɪv/  

  • adjective
    always used before a noun
    seeming to be something when compared with others
    She is a comparative [=relativenewcomer to the industry. [=she is not really a newcomer but is much more of a newcomer than many others]
    involving the act of looking at the ways that things are alike or different
    She did a comparative study of classical and modern art.
    I'm taking a class in comparative anatomy/literature.
    a comparative analysis of the roles of women in different cultures
    grammar :of or relating to the form of an adjective or adverb that is used to indicate more of a particular quality
    The comparative form of happy is happierthe comparative form of good is betterthe comparative form of clearly is more clearly. - compare superlative
    plural -tives
    [count] :the comparative form of an adjective or adverb :the form of an adjective or adverb that is used to indicate more of a particular quality
    Taller is the comparative of tall. - compare superlative

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