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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • verb
    forges; forged; forging
    [+ obj] to form something by heating and shaping metal
    to form or create (something, such as an agreement or relationship) through great effort
    to make or copy (something, such as a document or signature) falsely in order to deceive someone
    forge a check
    forge a signature
    a forged passport - compare 3forge
    plural forges
    [count] :a place where objects are made by heating and shaping metal
    forges; forged; forging
    [no obj]
    to move forward slowly and steadily
    usually + ahead
    to move with a sudden increase of speed and power
    On the last laphe forged into the lead. - often + ahead

    * Các từ tương tự:
    forgery, forget, forgetful, forget-me-not, forgettable