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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • verb
    trots; trotted; trotting
    [no obj]
    of a horse :to move at a speed faster than walking by stepping with each front leg at the same time as the opposite back leg
    always followed by an adverb or preposition
    to run at a slow, steady pace
    to move quickly :hurry
    hot to trot
    xem hot
    trot out
    [phrasal verb]
    trot (something) out or trot out (something) informal
    disapproving :to say (something that has been said before) as an excuse, explanation, etc.
    to bring (something) out to be displayed
    plural trots
    [singular] :a horse's way of moving that is faster than a walk but slower than a gallop
    The horse went into a slow trot. - compare 1canter, 1gallop
    [singular] :a person's way of running slowly
    He set off at a trot.
    the trots informal :diarrhea
    on the trot
    Brit informal
    following one after another
    He won the race three times on the trot. [=in a row]
    busy all the time

    * Các từ tương tự:
    troth, trotter