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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural switches
    [count] a small device that starts or stops the flow of electricity to something (such as a lamp or a machine) when it is pressed or moved up and down
    She flicked a switch and turned the lamp/lights on.
    a light/dimmer switch
    He threw the switch to stop the machine. - see also dip switch, toggle switch
    a sudden change from one thing to another - usually singular
    a switch from the old way of doing things
    There has been a switch in plans. [=the plans have changed]
    If you're not happy in your current jobmaybe it's time to make a switch (to another job).
    He says he'll do it himselfWellthat's a switch. [=that's something unusual] - see also bait and switch
    US :a device for moving the rails of a track so that a train may be turned from one track to another
    a thin stick that can be easily bent
    switches; switched; switching
    to make a change from one thing to another :to start doing or using something that is different [no obj]
    Why did you switch jobs?
    to make a change from one thing to another by turning or pushing a button or moving a switch, lever, etc. [no obj]
    [+ obj] :to change or replace (something) with another thing
    (USHe is going to switch (shiftswith me Monday. [=he will work my shift and I will work his shift on Monday]
    switch gears
    xem gear
    switch off
    [phrasal verb]
    switch (something) off or switch off (something) :to turn off (something) by turning or pushing a button or moving a switch, lever, etc.
    informal :to stop paying attention
    switch on
    [phrasal verb]
    switch (something) on or switch on (something) :to turn on (something) by turning or pushing a button or moving a switch, lever, etc.

    * Các từ tương tự:
    switchback, switchblade, switchboard, switcheroo, switch-hitter