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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural -ners
    [count] a person who runs as part of a sport, for exercise, or in a race
    She's a fast runner.
    an animal (such as a horse) that runs in a race
    a person who delivers messages, reports, materials, or products either within a business or organization or to outside locations :messenger
    a person who brings drugs, guns, etc., to a place illegally and secretly
    a drug runner
    baseball :a player who is on base or is trying to reach a base :base runner
    The runner slid into third base.
    a long, thin piece or part on which something (such as a sled, skate, or drawer) slides
    a stem of a plant that grows along the ground and that forms new plants
    a long, narrow carpet for a hall or staircase
    a narrow cloth cover for a table or other piece of furniture
    do a runner
    Brit informal :to leave a place quickly by running especially to avoid paying a bill or to escape punishment

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