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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    /ˈliːf/ , pl leaves /ˈliːvz/
    one of the flat and typically green parts of a plant that grow from a stem or twig [count]
    a maple leaf
    a tobacco leaf
    By the end of Aprilmost trees are in leaf. [=most trees have grown their new leaves]
    The trees have not yet come into leaf.
    see color picture
    [count] :a sheet of paper in a book :page
    usually used figuratively
    [count] :a part that can be added to or removed from a table to change the size of its top surface
    [noncount] :a very thin sheet of metal (such as gold or silver) that is used to decorate something
    silver leaf
    turn over a new leaf
    to start behaving or living in a different and better way
    I decided to turn over a new leaf and stop worrying so much.
    leafs; leafed; leafing
    leaf out
    [phrasal verb] US of a tree :to produce leaves
    The tree will leaf out in the spring.
    leaf through
    [phrasal verb]
    leaf through (something) :to turn the pages of (a book, a magazine, etc.)

    * Các từ tương tự:
    leafed, leaflet, leafy