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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

vacuum /ˈvæˌkjuːm/  

  • noun
    plural vacuums
    [count] an empty space in which there is no air or other gas
    the vacuum of outer space :a space from which all or most of the air has been removed
    A pump was used to create a vacuum inside the bottle.
    a vacuum chamber
    vacuum cleaner
    a situation created when an important person or thing has gone and has not been replaced - usually singular
    Her death has caused/created/left a vacuum [=voidin our lives.
    A new leader is needed to fill the vacuum left by his retirement.
    in a vacuum
    separated from outside events or influences
    The group was operating in a vacuum, cut off from the rest of the world.
    vacuums; vacuumed; vacuuming
    to clean (something) with a vacuum cleaner [+ obj]
    I vacuumed [=(Brithooveredthe living room. - often + up
    Vacuum up the crumbs on the couch. [no obj]

    * Các từ tương tự:
    vacuum cleaner, vacuum flask, vacuum tube, vacuum-packed