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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • verb
    squints; squinted; squinting
    [no obj] :to look at something with your eyes partly closed
    She had to squint to read the small print.
    [+ obj] :to cause (your eyes) to partly close
    I had to squint my eyes to focus on the tiny letters.
    [no obj] chiefly Brit :to have a medical condition that makes your eyes unable to look in the same direction
    plural squints
    [singular] :a condition in which you are looking at something with your eyes partly closed :an act of squinting
    Her gaze narrowed into a squint.
    [count] chiefly Brit :a medical condition in which your eyes are unable to look in the same direction - usually singular
    She was born with a squint.
    [singular] Brit informal :a quick look - + at
    He took a squint at the document.
    Have a squint at this.

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