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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • verb
    rumbles; rumbled; rumbling
    [no obj] :to make a low, heavy, continuous sound or series of sounds
    always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] :to move along with a low, heavy, continuous sound
    [no obj] US informal + old-fashioned :to fight especially in the street
    [+ obj] Brit informal :to reveal or discover the true character of (someone)
    rumble on
    [phrasal verb]
    to continue for a long period of time
    plural rumbles
    [count] a low, heavy sound or series of sounds
    I was awakened by the rumble of a train passing by.
    US informal + old-fashioned :a fight in the street especially between gangs

    * Các từ tương tự:
    rumble seat, rumble strip