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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural polls
    [count] :an activity in which several or many people are asked a question or a series of questions in order to get information about what most people think about something
    A recent poll shows a decrease in the number of teenagers who smoke. - see also exit poll, opinion poll, straw poll
    [count] :the record of votes that were made by people in an election - usually plural
    [noncount] Brit :the number of votes made in an election
    The candidate won with 55 percent of the poll. [=(USvote]
    the polls :the places where people vote during an election
    polls; polled; polling
    [+ obj] to ask (several or many people) a question or a series of questions in order to get information about what most people think about something
    to receive (a specified number or percentage of votes) in an election

    * Các từ tương tự:
    poll tax, pollen, pollen count, pollinate, polling, polling booth, polling place, polliwog, pollster