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nickel-and-dime /ˌnɪkələnˈdaɪm/  

  • adjective
    always used before a noun
    US informal
    involving, making, or spending a small amount of money
    nickel-and-dime charges/fees
    nickel-and-dime tax increases
    nickel-and-dime customers/tourists
    not very important
    nickel-and-dime [=small-timebusinesses
    nickel-and-dime candidates
    nickels-and-dimes or nickel-and-dimes; nickeled-and-dimed or nickel-and-dimed; nickeling-and-diming or nickel-and-diming
    [+ obj] US informal + disapproving :to make (someone) pay many small amounts of money over a long period of time