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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • adjective
    possessive form of i
    always used before a noun :relating to or belonging to me
    Welcome to my home.
    I enjoy my job very much.
    My name is John.
    When I woke up this morning, my head ached and my throat was sore.
    My wife and I both love to dance. :made or done by me
    It was my fault that we lost the game.
    always used before a noun - used to express affection for someone you are talking to
    How are you, my friend?
    Come with me, my love.
    Sleep well, my child.
    informal - used by itself and in phrases to express surprise, excitement, or fear
    Oh my, what a wonderful gift!
    Oh my lordlook at the time!
    My Godyou must be joking!

    * Các từ tương tự:
    myalgic encephalomyelitis, mynah, myopia, myopic, myriad, myrrh, myrtle, myself, mysterious