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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural -ries
    [count] a group of people who are members of the public and are chosen to make a decision in a legal case
    The jury failed to reach a verdict.
    She was selected to serve/sit on a jury.
    (USShe was selected for jury duty. = (BritShe was selected for jury service.
    I demand my right to a trial by jury. = I demand my right to a jury trial. [=a trial that is decided by a jury] - see also grand jury, hung jury
    a group of people who decide the winners in a contest
    The jury [=judgesfound her pie to be the best.
    jury is out
    If you say the jury is still out on something, you mean that something has not yet been decided or has not yet become clear.

    * Các từ tương tự:
    jury panel, jury-rig