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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural inks
    colored liquid that is used for writing or printing [noncount]
    Fill out the form using blue or black ink.
    The printer is out of ink.
    [noncount] US slang :public attention :publicity
    [noncount] biology :the black liquid that is used by some sea creatures for protection
    squid ink - see also red ink
    inks; inked; inking
    [+ obj] to put ink on (something)
    US informal
    to sign (a document) to show that you accept or agree with what is written on it
    to hire (someone) to do something by having that person sign a contract
    ink in
    [phrasal verb]
    ink in (something) or ink (something) in :to write or draw (something) in ink

    * Các từ tương tự:
    ink pad, ink-jet printer, inkling, inkwell, inky