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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • noun
    plural -ruses
    [count] a group of singers and dancers in an ancient Greek play who take part in or talk about the things that are happening on stage
    a group of singers and dancers in a modern play, musical show, etc.
    a large group of singers :choir
    a part of a song that is repeated between verses :refrain
    a piece of music that is sung by a large group of singers
    a sound made by many people or animals at the same time
    We awoke to a chorus of birdsong.
    a group of people or animals that are all heard at the same time
    a chorus of frogs
    in chorus
    all together :all at the same time
    The phones in the room rang in chorus.
    -ruses; -rused; -rusing
    [+ obj] :to say (something) all together :to say (something) in chorus

    * Các từ tương tự:
    chorus girl