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Laban Dictionary trên mobile

  • verb
    bops; bopped; bopping
    [+ obj] :to hit (someone or something) especially in a playful way
    She bopped him on the head. - compare 4bop
    plural bops
    [count] :a hit that is not very forceful
    She gave him a playful bop on the head. - compare 3bop
    plural bops
    [noncount] :a kind of jazz that uses complex melodies and harmonies and that often has a very quick tempo - called also bebop
    [count] Brit informal :dance
    Are you up for a bop? [=would you like to dance?] They're playing my favorite song. - compare 2bop
    bops; bopped; bopping
    [no obj] informal
    to go for only a short time
    US :to walk or move like a person who is dancing to lively music
    Brit informal :to dance to popular music